Pricing per Nomination

Important Nomination Notes:

  • The fee for 2 Submissions is equivalent to the fee for 1 Submission.

  • The fee for 6 Submissions is equivalent to the fee for 5 Submissions.

  • The fee for 9 Submissions is equivalent to the fee for 8 Submissions.

  • The suggested minimum Entry Submission is for 2 Nominations.

  • If your Company is registered in Cyprus, 19% VAT will apply.

  • The Payment of all Nominations must be executed within 7 days of the submission, and the latest by the 26th of May 2025.

We look forward to your participation in the Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards!

Free Ceremony Entrance

At the Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards, everyone is invited!

The entrance to the Ceremony is completely free to all Telco Professionals, no matter their participation in the Awards.

To ensure your entrance, complete the FREE attendance registration HERE.

Sponsorship Opportunity

Sponsoring the Antonio Meucci Global Telco Awards is more than just a marketing opportunity—it’s a meaningful contribution to restoring Antonio Meucci’s rightful place as the true father of Telephony.

Raising awareness about his legacy remains one of the core purposes of this event.

To support this mission, we offer a range of sponsorship packages tailored to fit the budget and needs of all Telco players.

For more information, please contact us HERE.

We persist in acknowledging and rewarding the pioneers of our industry.

Simultaneously, we honor and celebrate the inaugural pioneer of Telecommunications who revolutionized global communication with a groundbreaking approach.